Debra Vazquez , San Antonio,

King our Chihuahua went missing in 2014 from our backyard in San Antonio Texas. We never knew what happened to him or if he was dead or alive. October 25th 2020 a phone call from the Humane Society of Broward County in Fort Lauderdale Florida confirmed from his microchip that it was King from San Antonio Texas. Since the 25th was my birthday I could not leave, but on Monday after calling the airline to see if I can put King on a plane to fly home I was told a human person had to be with him. At that moment I googled the distance and it said 19 hours of driving... that's when my daughter and myself decided to jump in the car and start our journey to Fort Lauderdale. Which it ended up taking us 22 hours to get there. Once we hit Florida the Broward County informed us of the media that will be on hand as soon as we got there. Wow is all I can say, but retrieving our dog King was our mission! Broward County personal were the best to keep us informed of every move and they also had Chewy there to present us with gifts for King and every media news cast of the Miami area to record our reunion. They also provided us with a Hotel room for the night, thank goodness because as exhausted as we were and thinking we would just turn right around to head home the good nights sleep prepared us for our long journey home amidst hurricane Zeta. The drive home took almost 30 hours with the 4 hour delay in Alabama to ride out the hurricane and all the tornados around us. We made it home Thursday the 29th at approximated noon. If it wasn't for King's microchip and David and Sharon at the Broward County shelter to scan King where he was surrendered by a lady that gave her name as Caroline, we would have never known where King was. I'm not sure where the information of the microchip is housed but I am thankful my information is current and in the system.
With all this being said and a happy ending with King I now what to know why logging into Avid and putting Kings microchip number in the system it says no information or id does not exist. Please help me to understand where or how I can update or see my information for this microchip. I want to know all the times he was scanned from 2014 to 2020! 6 years away I would like to find whatever history possible of his microchip.
My mission is to educated all the Vets, Groomers and anyone else the importance of scanning animals for microchips and reviewing the data that appears. If the animal is with the rightful owner or has the dog been stolen like King or sold to someone else. History needs to follow these animals and microchipping should have more value!
Thank you,
Debra Vazquez