Eric and Denise , MARINE ON SAINT CROIX,

We live deep in the country and our little 13 year old Maltese Myah wandered down our driveway one freezing day before Thanksgiving as my husband was filling the bird feeders. Let me just say that Myah 'never' goes more than 10-20 feet from the house. To take her on walks, we have to carry her on the way out and then let her follow us on the way back. For some reason on this day, she decided to go walking. There are only about 7 homes along a mile stretch of this road but a lot of wildlife and miles and miles of country fields and woods. Our old farmhouse borders a large natural area.
It was soon dark. We walked for hours in all directions calling for her. We took the car and slowly drove the roads looking into the bramble and woods. We came in long enough to cancel our flight, hotel, and car rental for the next day's trip to be with family in Texas. We went back out and stumbled through plowed fields in the dark with a flashlight. We searched for her from 4:30 pm until after midnight until we finally realized we could do no more that night in the dark. We were terrified that she was still out in the cold, freezing and hungry. We resolved to get up at first light and continue the search. When we came back in the house I had 3 voice mails. One was from Avid letting us know where Myah was, and one of was from the clinic holding her over 20 miles away. Our girl was safe and warm! The call had come in at 5:30 pm but we were frantically searching for her and voicemail was the last thing on our minds. We could not pick her up right then, or even on Thanksgiving day, because the clinic was closed but we were there when they opened on Friday. We have never been more relieved!
If it were not for the Avid Microchip, I don't know if we would have ever seen our girl again. She was so far away that we would not have thought to search or inquire there. We will never know who picked her up but are so grateful she is back home with us. Best Thanksgiving EVER. Thank you, Avid.
p.s. we are never taking our eyes off her again!