Adam Ward , Lamar,

We just received the most wonderful call! "Squirt" who was stolen from his kennel TWO YEARS AGO was returned HOME DUE TO HIS MICROCHIP! The person who stole him never took him to the vet, upon being evicted, he gave Tebow to a co-worker who took him to the vet to get shots, neutered, etc. The vet checked the microchip information and informed the person who brought him in he couldn't do it that he was reported as lost/stolen. He was reunited with his rightful owner on Sunday, there was no doubt when he spoke his name Tebow remembered him, Tebow went BONKERS with excitement! There's not a dry eye in the house as this is being typed and posted. Just a reminder REGISTER YOUR PUPPIES AND MICROCHIPS! THIS IS WHY OUR PUPPIES LEAVE ALREADY MICROCHIPPED!!! If you have misplaced the information, please contact your breeder or veterinarian that inserted the microchip!